We are HDO GLOBAL TRADE UNIPESSOAL LDA, a company located in Covilhã, Portugal.
We specialize in spare parts, accessories and small applications for the professional kitchens
At HDO GLOBAL TRADE UNIPESSOAL LDA, we have set ourselves the goal of providing a quality, professional, experiential service and providing the best solution for our customer’s needs and complete satisfaction.
Our company makes a lot of effort every day for our customers to find on this website the best products on the best prices from the best manufacturers around the world.
With the goal of always pleasing the customer, we will make the best effort to ship the order around the world, in a maximum time of 24 hours from the moment of the order confirmation and payment (as long as the product is available in stock).
We work with the best curriers companies in Europe to ensure that the product reaches you safely and in the shortest time that possible.
Our import and purchasing department are at your disposal anytime and will do all the effort to help you to find the product you need, even if you are looking for a product that does not exist on our site, just
Our customer service is always at your disposal for any question and you canOur WhatsApp service is available 24/7 for all our customers for technical support and for urgent orders.
We, HDO GLOBAL TRADE UNIPESSOAL LDA , invite you to enjoy an efficient and fast shopping experience with the best service that only us can offer !